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Helping Hands

Harmony House relies on donations and the generous support of many friends and organizations.

As we do not receive government funding, your support is essential to the mission of Harmony House and is greatly appreciated.

How to donate

  • Checks and money orders can be made payable to:

Harmony House, WMA

66 View Street, Chicopee, MA 01020

  • Venmo:








How far does a donation go?

$10 purchases 10 liters of water

$50 supplies paper goods for a month

$100 purchases groceries for a week

$250 sponsors a resident's care for one day

Contribute services or goods

Contact us to get involved or visit one of our wish lists (Amazon or Wish List) to donate much needed items! Harmony House is always looking for businesses and individuals that would like to donate services and goods to our cause. We are fortunate to have an array of partners that help us to carry out our mission with their generous donations. There are many ways you can help: donate prizes, food or use of a facility for our fundraisers; provide free services such as legal advice, or bookkeeping.

Make a financial contribution 

Levels of Support

Trillium Member Platinum ($7500+)
Trillium Member Gold ($5000 - $7499)
Trillium Member Silver (
$2500 - $4999)
Trillium Member Bronze ($1000 - $2499)
Member ($500 - $1001)
Supporter ($100 - $499)
Associate (up to $99

Corporate Sponsorships
Platinum ($20,001+)
Gold ($10,001 - $20,000)
Silver ($5,001 - $10,000)
Bronze (u
p to $5,000)

© 2023 by Harmony House.

Website Created by Maela Whitcomb and Elms College Graphic Design Department

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